A small addition before people start taking this seriously .alot incorrect.
2: do feel patriotic.
Patriotism is unwanted. its good to want to fight the lightside or darkside, but that will always happen. its more important to first sort stuff out and make sure your faction is your friend, and then go on a crusade.
An enemy in your faction is twice as dangerous as one in the enemy faction.
3. No, no and no. No hate, its a game, and it should be enjoyed. a playful challenge yes, hate no.
Seccondly, if you ever aspire to get onto the HC, you will have to co-operate with the opposite faction. In the HC, there are no faction wars, its about improving the game's experience
4. Nope. Focus on completing the quests, but in the meanwhile, try to fight as much as possible. If you have any spare resources, invest these into your baracks/warehouse.
5: Dont Become a Guild leader if you dont want to help your faction. If you do do this then the game becomes too many Chiefs and not enough indians.
I cannot see the relevance in this. You start up a guild, mainly due to not wanting to be lead by someone else, but still wanting to make an impact into your faction and the map.
Often people start up a guild, to lead it with their friends.
Faction and guild are something completely different. In the end, as a (ex)leader of MV, I never mained the aim to help the faction, but guild and friends first.
6: Dont complain about the Enemy's troops being Overpowered... If you do this then Runeslayer counterpart on the dark side will Send Ragnoros On your Ass. Kinda the reason why the Light lost so much land on Olympus
Not even close. Darkside is simply stronger on olympus, as is the lightside on erevos. Any person is allowed to state their view on races, as have scaren en bblazer done about the UD.
I am missing stuff about the scrollers, regarding the newbie quests that have to scroll on the research screens.
Lastly, you should not state don'ts which have been included in the terms & service/forum guidelines, f.e. insulting runeslayer.