Hi all,
Maybe this subject seems to be repeated and has taken more than it deserves but I felt the urge to write or re-write about the unjust spawn of the dark knight next to the capital and as a result the boost of Conquest Points it produces to the dark faction "in this case".
After we did so many battles yesterday and this morning too for so long hours "torn from our lives" without stop (believe me without stop!) I'm surprised that the dark knight has been spawned in the same region/hex we were keen to defend all this time.
beside all this "I think that" the last update to nerf the spawned knight hasn't been much efficient as we in the light faction or at least I expected.
for this reason I suggest that either the knight has a limit of hex not to overcome (for instance 3 or 4 hex away from the capital) or to change its role from offensive to defensive one.
please I'm waiting your answers and suggestions.