Guild Warfare is finnally out along with option on what to do on a certain region.
The 3 opption that are availible are sabotage, control, and support. Why would some guild cancel what they are doing to help a guild in some other region and for no benefits?
Then there is my 3 guild situation, guild A and guild B are fighting for region 64. Guild C comes along and sabatoges guild B's power leading to guild A to take that region and what does guild C get. NOTHING.
So I propose that the guilds be paid for assistance. Let me put out an example, The Fallen and Crimson King are the strongest light and dark guild so their assistance will cost a huge fortune like 1 million gold, wood, iron, and stone and they would assist or hurt for a certain %. Maybe like 2%. So what I am saying is please add a feature so guilds can be paid to hurt some or help others.